Why this journey?

I've been retired now for over a year. Husband has been sick but is now doing quite well with new pacemaker. I continue to knit and knit and crochet. Recently I became friends again with my sewing machine so you will see some of those projects, too. Thanks for reading.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

More on UFO's

Been thinking a lot about UFO's since I began this journey.  I find myself identifying a UFO and working to finish it in between working on the swatches.

Here are some things most of us would never confess about our own collection of UFO's (except to a group of knitters on a retreat, perhaps) --
  • They multiply without our knowledge.  They get stuck in a box or a closet and when we re-dscover the one we remember, we find 3 or 4 more.
  • They have enough money attached to them that we could probably vacation for a week in an exotic location if we had just saved the money.  Meanwhile, we're 'vacationing' at home with too many projects.
  • We move them from house to house sometimes in the boxes they've lived in for too many years.  And we know that our spouse really loves us because he/she never comments on just how many of these mystery cartons find their way onto the moving truck.
  • We would have more room for out-of-season clothes if the extra closet was not filled to overflowing.
  • We love re-discovering a long forgotten UFO, knowing that this discovery is almost as good as receiving a UPS package with a new project inside. 
But we will confess this one true thing about UFO's -- we love every one of them.

Wonder if we could make February the "inventory your UFO" month?  Oh, probably not -- might require admitting what we actually have that's about to spill out of that spare closet.

Bumper sticker:  Rediscover your UFO's

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